Unlock the full potential of your players beyond 180% OVR through all-new Player Tiers!

Hi Managers!

With Season 186, we are releasing an update that addresses your feedback on the later stages of Player development by providing a clearer and more meaningful progression above 180% OVR.

Player Tiers

We are introducing Player Tiers — a new way of advancing player OVR beyond 180% and single Attributes beyond 400%.

Player Tiers are the only way you can increase the OVR of your players beyond 10 Stars and single Attributes beyond 400%. All other usual methods, like Training, Player Academy or Attribute Rewards only work below these two thresholds now. These changes will generally benefit all Managers and make your unique management style stand out!

To assure the same competitiveness as before this update, no changes have been made to how OVR and Attributes impact matches.

Overall Quality (OVR)

The OVR represents the average quality of 15 Attributes. It remains the single most important and visible indicator for Player Quality. With the introduction of Player Tiers, the OVR reflects the combined quality from Stars and from Player Tiers.

Player Tiers and Key Attributes

By reaching 180% OVR, a player now unlocks the Rare Tier. All Player Tiers permanently increase all key attributes of a player. In the case of the Rare Tier, a player permanently gains an additional 10% on each key attribute. The higher the Tier, the bigger the increase! Check out the table below to see how much each Player Tier brings.

Player Tier Key Attribute increase
1. Rare +10%
2. Elite +30%
3. Stellar +50%
4. Master +80%
5. Epic +120%

What happens when a Manager gets promoted at the start of a new season? As before, Player Stars get adjusted and their OVR is reduced by 20%. However, the increase from Player Tiers remains and does not decrease throughout seasons.

Maximum Player OVR

Accordingly, the maximum % of a single attribute is now 520% – where a total of 400% comes from all regular sources and 120% from the highest Tier: Epic. The maximum player OVR is now 292%, where a maximum of 180% comes from all usual methods and 112% from the Epic Tier, provided that a player has a maximum of 14 Key Attributes.

Players exceeding 180% OVR

Now that there are upper limits to single Attributes of 400% and to OVR of 180%, there are players who exceed them. Based on how far players exceed the quality limits, the quality overflow is translated to corresponding Player Tiers:

– If there is an attribute with more than 400%, the attribute is set to 400%.
– If the OVR of a player exceeds 180%, all 15 attributes are equally decreased until the OVR of the player reaches 180%.
– The amount of OVR removed determines which Player Tier a player receives:

OVR Deduction Tier Reward
<30% Rare Player Tier
30% – 50% Elite Player Tier
>50% Stellar Player Tier

By transferring players to the reshaped progression, we are ensuring a clearer and meaningful long-term progression as well as enhancing the overall competitiveness and balance among Managers.

For more info about Player Tiers, check out the related article HERE.

Best of luck in the new season, Managers!


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